New kids’ book!


Our Post Doc alumna Dr Sharon Wismer has just published her first kids’ book “Keepers of the Reef” illustrated by Alice Wong.


The book summarizes much of Sharon’s and our lab’s research about the important jobs that herbivorous fishes perform on coral reefs.

But frankly, it does so in a far more beautiful and inspiring way than we have ever managed :)

The book follows two young kids exploring the Great Barrier Reef
in beautifully detailed watercolor illustrations.

“When children discover the wonders of the natural world, they become fascinated and curious, and this often sparks a life-long appreciation for the environment. This book offers young readers a glimpse into the delicate balance between corals, algae, and the reef fishes that together make up these important ecosystems. A journey of discovery that will educate and inspire a connection with our oceans and the magic of coral reefs."

Dr. Jane Goodall

The book introduces the beautiful diversity of reefs, the lifecycle of corals,
and the delicate balance between corals and algae.

Too much algae can be harmful for the reef!

We’re introduced to Browsers, brushers, croppers, scrapers and excavators
- all the different functional groups of herbivores that help to keep the reef healthy -
the Keepers of the Reef!

"Coral reefs are places of wonder and excitement that stir kids’ imaginations and create curiosity that lasts a lifetime. Keepers of the Reef nurtures that curiosity. It will encourage the children of today to become the stewards of tomorrow."

Dr. Charlie Veron

Keepers of the Reef is a beautiful example of inspiring science communication, conveying the beauty of coral reefs but also explaining complicated topics like reef ecology and global climate change.
It is visually stunning and will surely inspire some amazing future scientists!
Fabulous work, Sharon! Congratulations!

Keepers of the Reef is now available wherever books are sold.

"Keepers of the Reef invites kids to look beyond the pretty colors, revealing fascinating fish behaviors that are key to the survival of coral reefs. A delightful perspective on life in this beautiful yet fragile marine habitat."

Dr. David Bellwood

If you’d like to learn more,
follow Sharon’s Ocean Science and Education organization,
The Sea Kids Alliance
on Instagram!


Call for papers: functional studies on coral reefs.


Graduation 2022